Today we found ourselves at Taqueria Las Pasadita, which translates to The...Pasadita. Located in the Northgate area.
We also had a special guest with us, Linda Lou Sue, AKA the SLF's Mammy.
SLF and I are just adorable. Look at us be adorable. This is us like 100% of the time. Except for when she beats me, which is actually like actually most of the time.
As did Linda Lou Sue.
I enjoyed my tacos quite a bit. Maybe I didn't get al pastor, I think it was maybe carnitas. I don't remember exactly what they were, but I remember being pretty happy with them. The ladies enjoyed their burritos. SLF says the burrito was very authentic.
We also had rice and beans and some mesican soda.
I'd give this truck a solid 8 golden roaches. The tacos were great, the burrito was good, and I didn't get any kind of massive diarrhea afterward.
Linda Lou Sue looks iddy bitty next to that giant burrito. And you guys are f'ing adorable. Stop it.